Hook to get the scrollback action for a stream.

Scrollback is the action of getting miniblocks from a stream before a certain point in time. Getting miniblocks means that new events that are possibly new messages, reactions and so on are fetched.


import { useScrollback } from '@river-build/react-sdk'


function useScrollback(
  streamId: string,
  config?: ActionConfig<MessageTimeline['scrollback']>,
): {
    data: {
        terminus: boolean;
        firstEvent?: TimelineEvent | undefined;
    } | undefined;
    error: Error | undefined;
    isPending: boolean;
    isSuccess: boolean;
    isError: boolean;
    scrollback: () => Promise<{
        terminus: boolean;
        firstEvent?: TimelineEvent | undefined;

Source: useScrollback



  • Type: string

The id of the stream to get the scrollback action for.


  • Type: ActionConfig<MessageTimeline['scrollback']>
  • Optional

Configuration options for the action.

Return Type

The scrollback action and its loading state.

    data: {
        terminus: boolean;
        firstEvent?: TimelineEvent | undefined;
    } | undefined;
    error: Error | undefined;
    isPending: boolean;
    isSuccess: boolean;
    isError: boolean;
    scrollback: () => Promise<{
        terminus: boolean;
        firstEvent?: TimelineEvent | undefined;