Delegate Key Signing

All events in the River Protocol are signed by an ECDSA wallet key pair. Users and nodes can both send events using a process referred to as delegate signing that allows for events to be signed by a separate device linked to the primary wallet. Delegate signing therefore opens the protocol to allow events from linked devices the user has custody of. River Stream Nodes validate the signature prior to processing an event that is for example being added to a stream using addEvent RPC method.

Why ECDSA ? First, ECDSA elliptic curve derived keys have been proven to be less susceptible to breaking than earlier algorithms such as RSA. Secondly, ECDSA keys are smaller at 256-bytes and less cpu intensive to generate signatures than asymmetric or RSA keys. Since River Stream Nodes validate and store signatures in storage for each event, using ECDSA signatures saves on cpu and disk space.

The rules and construction of the delegate key signature are the topic of this page.

Delegate Signature Protocol Rules

The logic dictating how a River Stream Node should process delegate signatures on the critical path of a request are described in protocol.proto and defined in delegate.go.

Events sent over RPC to a River Stream Node are sent with a message Envelope that includes several fields used to validate the sender.

  • signature : For the event to be valid, the signature on the Envelope must match the Event creator_address or be signed by the same address implied by Event delegate_sig.
  • creator_address : This is the wallet address of the creator of the event, which can be a user or a River Stream Node.
  • delegate_sig : Optional field that allows events to be signed by a device keypair linked to the user’s primary wallet.
If a delegate signature is present on an event, the event is only valid if either the creator_address matches the delegate_sig’s signer public key or if the delegate_sig signing public key matches the key implied by Envelope.signature.

Delegate Signature Validation

Each event on a River Stream Node is parsed and validated as follows.


Unmarshal Bytes

Events are stored as bytes in River Stream Node storage and transmitted as bytes over the wire. All events are unmarshalled first then parsed to run a series of validity checks prior to storing those events.

// stream_view.go example unpacking and parsing of events
var env Envelope
// e is [][]byte
err := proto.Unmarshal(e, &env)
if err != nil {
    return nil, err
parsed, err := ParseEvent(&env)
if err != nil {
    return nil, err

River Hash

The event hash is first validated using RiverHash function found in sign.go.

// sign.go
func RiverHash(buffer []byte) []byte {
    hash := sha3.NewLegacyKeccak256()
    writeOrPanic(hash, HASH_HEADER)
    // Write length of buffer as 64-bit little endian uint.
    err := binary.Write(hash, binary.LittleEndian, uint64(len(buffer)))
    if err != nil {
    writeOrPanic(hash, HASH_SEPARATOR)
    writeOrPanic(hash, buffer)
    writeOrPanic(hash, HASH_FOOTER)
    return hash.Sum(nil)


Check Delegate Signature

Once the hash is confirmed as valid for the event, the hash along with the envelope signature are used to recover the signer public key.

// parsed_event.go
func ParseEvent(envelope *Envelope) (*ParsedEvent, error) {

    signerPubKey, err := RecoverSignerPublicKey(hash, envelope.Signature)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    var streamEvent StreamEvent
    err = proto.Unmarshal(envelope.Event, &streamEvent)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if len(streamEvent.DelegateSig) > 0 {
        err = CheckDelegateSig(streamEvent.CreatorAddress, signerPubKey, streamEvent.DelegateSig)
        if err != nil {
            // The old style signature is a standard ethereum message signature.
            // TODO(HNT-1380): once we switch to the new signing model, remove this call
            err2 := CheckEthereumMessageSignature(streamEvent.CreatorAddress, signerPubKey, streamEvent.DelegateSig)
            if err2 != nil {
                return nil, WrapRiverError(Err_BAD_EVENT_SIGNATURE, err).Message("Bad signature").Func("ParseEvent").Tag("error2", err2)
    } else {
        address := PublicKeyToAddress(signerPubKey)
        if !bytes.Equal(address.Bytes(), streamEvent.CreatorAddress) {
            return nil, RiverError(Err_BAD_EVENT_SIGNATURE, "Bad signature provided", "computed address", address, "event creatorAddress", streamEvent.CreatorAddress)

Check Delegate Signature

If the delegate signature is present on the event, the creator address is used in conjunction with the previously retrieved public key and delegate signature to prove that the signature was signed by the creator.

// delegate.go
func CheckDelegateSig(expectedAddress []byte, devicePubKey, delegateSig []byte) error {
  recoveredAddress, err := RecoverDelegateSigAddress(devicePubKey, delegateSig)
  if err != nil {
  	return err
  if !bytes.Equal(expectedAddress, recoveredAddress.Bytes()) {
  	return RiverError(Err_BAD_EVENT_SIGNATURE, "Bad signature provided", "computed_address", recoveredAddress, "event_creatorAddress", expectedAddress)
  return nil
Event creator wallets used to sign events are assumed to be created as Ethereum wallets. Therefore, secp256k1 algorithm is used to validate signature and sign. River Stream Nodes use a hardened version of this algorithm found in go-ethereum package.

Node Delegate Events

River Stream Nodes are created with an ECDSA wallet used for identity and so can create events destined for streams in the network just like users using their Ethereum wallet as a primary wallet or another linked wallet created using ECDSA.

Nodes create new wallets using go-ethereum crypto tools in the following function.

// sign.go
func NewWallet(ctx context.Context) (*Wallet, error) {
	log := dlog.CtxLog(ctx)

	key, err := crypto.GenerateKey()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	address := crypto.PubkeyToAddress(key.PublicKey)

	log.Info("New wallet generated.", "address", address.Hex(), "publicKey", crypto.FromECDSAPub(&key.PublicKey))
	return &Wallet{
			PrivateKeyStruct: key,
			PrivateKey:       crypto.FromECDSA(key),
			Address:          address,
			AddressStr:       address.Hex(),