Base Mainnet

River tokens are used in the Node Operator Registry and River DAO contracts on Base.

River tokens can be delegated by calling the delegate() function on the Base River.sol contract. An interface is provided at


Connect your wallet, paste the address of the Node Operator or Space address you want to delegate to, and submit the transaction.

Always check that your Node Operator address is a valid node operator in the network. You can verify this by checking the node status page at

Any tokens received from network operation will be claimable by calling the claim() function from the same wallet on the RewardsDistribution.sol contract. And interface will be provided at

Ethereum Mainnet

River tokens held on Ethereum mainnet can also be delegated at

Post-delegation, the details (such as delegating wallet, operator wallet, token quantity) are bridged to the Base network and referenced in the Node Operator Registry using the L1CrossDomainMessenger contract.

Tokens rewarded for network operation are only claimable on Base. This means in the case where a user delegating from Ethereum mainnet doesn’t own the same wallet address on both Ethereum mainnet and Base, they must authorize a different wallet address that they own on Base which can claim on behalf of the Ethereum mainnet wallet. This can be done at by calling the authorizeClaimer(address) function FROM the Ethereum Mainnet wallet that delegated tokens and passing in the Base wallet address that will claim tokens.