Proposals are a fundamental aspect of the River DAO, serving as the primary mechanism through which changes, improvements, and new directions are suggested and decided upon. This section details the proposal process within the River DAO, outlining how ideas are transformed into actionable items and ultimately integrated into the River Protocol.

Proposal Lifecycle


The proposal journey begins with submission. Any stakeholder with a vested interest in the River Protocol can submit a proposal. However, to ensure quality and relevance, a proposal must meet certain criteria, including clarity of purpose, feasibility, and alignment with the protocol’s long-term vision. Additionally, a minimum threshold of River Tokens (RVR) may be required to submit a proposal, ensuring that submitters are genuinely invested in the protocol’s future.


Once submitted, the proposal enters a discussion phase. During this period, stakeholders deliberate on the merits and potential impacts of the proposal. This phase is crucial for community engagement, allowing for a diverse range of opinions and insights to be shared. The discussion phase also serves as an opportunity for refining and improving the proposal based on community feedback.


Following discussion, proposals that meet the established criteria move to the voting phase. In this stage, RVR holders cast their votes, with the weight of each vote being proportional to the number of tokens held. This token-based voting system ensures that the decision-making power is distributed among holders of RVR.

Approval and Implementation

For a proposal to be approved, it must receive a predetermined percentage of positive votes. This threshold is set to ensure that only proposals with substantial community support are implemented. Once a proposal is approved, it moves to the implementation stage, where the necessary changes are made to the River Protocol. This process is typically overseen by the developers and contributors of the DAO.

Types of Proposals

Protocol Upgrades

These proposals pertain to modifications or enhancements to the River Protocol’s functionality, security, or efficiency. They are often technical in nature and require in-depth analysis and testing before implementation.

Governance Changes

Governance proposals involve alterations to the DAO’s governance structure or processes. These changes might include modifications to the voting system, proposal submission criteria, or other aspects of the DAO’s operational framework.

Community Initiatives

Proposals under this category are aimed at fostering community engagement and growth. They may involve marketing initiatives, educational programs, or community-driven development projects.

Transparency and Record-Keeping

All proposals and their corresponding discussions and voting results are recorded on the blockchain, ensuring transparency and accountability. This permanent record allows stakeholders to audit and review the decision-making process at any time, fostering trust in the governance process.

In summary, the proposal process in the River DAO is a structured yet flexible mechanism that enables continuous evolution and adaptation of the River Protocol. It epitomizes the principles of decentralized governance, ensuring that every stakeholder has a voice in shaping the protocol’s future.